HE 28

Y Pwyllgor Cymunedau, Cydraddoldeb a Llywodraeth Leol

Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee

Bil yr Amgylchedd Hanesyddol (Cymru)/Historic Environment (Wales) Bill

Ymateb gan: Zoe Henderson

Response from: Zoe Henderson


Here are my few comments regarding the heritage reform in Wales

As a grade 2* listed house and grade 2 farm building owner and someone who is passionate about historical buildings I do feel there is need for a more enlightened and consistent approach to preserving our heritage in an affordable and forward looking way.


We have been lucky in Denbighshire as Phil Ebbrel the Conservation Architect has a very positive and supportive approach if he can see that you are keen to preserve where possible and to develop sympathetically . Unfortunately he is very much over worked and looking to retire but is someone who should be training the local authority people for the future.


Our experience has been that Cadw have tended to add little of value to our situation except additional cost . A good example being to demand that a barn wall be rebuilt in a fully traditional style as was but with no regard to the fact that Building regulations do not accept such a wall as being “waterproof” .  Again they seem overloaded and that there is duplication between local and National oversight of our historic environment.


CADW do an excellent job managing the large public historic sites such as castles but I believe CADW should be removed from any role in privately owned heritage sites and that the resource should be given to local authorities to develop a program of working with heritage owners to preserve and develop heritage in a positive sustainable way. Obviously there would be a need to ensure a consistent and coordinated approach through out Welsh Local Authorities. Much heritage has been lost due to fear of “listing” and what the authorities can “force” you to do . A more open and supportive attitude (such as our Denbighshire experience) would help save heritage rather than the current system which has the unintended consequence of destroying it in many cases.